Category: Elektrik

Experience report about LiFePo battery LIX200

Please find here the report “Wattstunde” LiFePo Yachtbatterie mit 200 Ah

Experience report EFOY Comfort 140 fuel cell

Pleas find here a short experience report about EFOY Comfort 140 fuel cell used since summer 2019 on a 39 ‘ sailingyacht.

Renewal circuit distribution #5

How and with which components does the exchange of NMEA and SeaTalk NG data work and have the concept and components proven themselves?

More about exchange of NMEA and SeaTalk NG Data please find here

Renewal circuit distribution #4

Supply and fuse protection of the circuits, voltage regulation for navigation electronics, installation and wiring of the central circuit distributor.

Please find more about installation and wiring of the circuit distributor here 


Renewal circuit distribution #3

Design and prepare and fit new front panel with optimized arrangement of components. Mounting components on the panel and connecting them.

Please find more about installation of the front panel here

Frontpanel unten

Renewal circuit distribution #2

Organizing orderly and systematic cable routing, mounting central terminal block and connecting and documenting consumers.

Please find more about installation and wiring components here


Renewal circuit distribution #1

First, remove all existing components, get an overview, determine what is still needed, sort out, create space, plan and prepare the substrate.

Please find more about cleaning up and analysis here